TPAD2 tsc: Access & Manage Your TSC Account

TPAD2 – Access

TPAD2, or Teacher Performance and Appraisal Development 2, is an online platform developed to streamline the appraisal process for teachers. It has been created to enhance professional growth while ensuring an improved educational environment. With a simple login, teachers can access the TPAD2 system, create a new account, activate it and begin their appraisal process. This simplified and efficient tool accepts and organizes the information provided by the teachers making evaluation easier for the evaluators. It ensures a systematic and objective appraisal process, thereby enhancing the quality of education delivered by the teachers.

What is TPAD2?

TPAD2 is an open and continuous process designed to strengthen supervision and ensure the ongoing monitoring of teachers’ performance in curriculum implementation at the institutional level. It is aimed at helping educators meet required teaching standards and enhance their professional competencies, ultimately contributing to better learning outcomes for students.

The Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) system is an essential initiative by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) aimed at enhancing teaching standards and promoting continuous professional development among teachers in public learning institutions. The latest iteration, TPAD2, introduces streamlined processes for teacher appraisals, performance contracting, and professional growth. This blog will provide a detailed overview of everything you need to know about TPAD2, including the roles of teachers, appraisers, and heads of institutions.

How to Sign Up/Create a New TPAD2 Account

Setting up a TPAD2 account is simple and straightforward. By visiting the link and selecting ‘new account’, teachers can initiate the process. They will be guided through several prompts, requesting personal and professional details for account creation.

Account Creation on TSC TPAD2 Portal

During account creation, teachers are required to provide details such as TSC number, ID number, phone number, email address, and a password. After this, clicking ‘submit’ completes the first step of account creation. Soon after submission, an SMS with an activation code is sent to the provided phone number. It’s important to note that the provided details should be accurate to avoid future confusion or complications during account activation and the appraisal process. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Go to
  2. Select “Create Account” and provide your TSC Number and required details.
  3. Verify your details and create a strong password.
  4. Complete the account creation process and activate your account.

Account Activation

Account activation is the subsequent step after account creation. Users need to navigate to and select account activation. In this step, they will be asked to enter the activation code sent via SMS. After successful confirmation, the account will become active and ready to use.

TPAD Account Login

Once the account is activated, users can then proceed to log into their TPAD2 account. They will need to visit the same URL and select the login option. Entry of the correct username and password grants access to the user’s customized TPAD2 dashboard. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official TPAD2 portal at
  2. Enter your TSC Number and Password.
  3. Click on the “Login” button to access your account.

If you have forgotten your password, use the “Forgot Password” option to reset it.

Filling in the Appraisal Document

Appraisal document filling is an essential part of the TPAD2 process. Once logged into the TPAD2 dashboard, teachers can begin self-appraisal. The system provides specific sections to fill based on teaching standards, professional conduct, and community practice.

Key Components of TPAD2

  1. Teacher Appraisals:
    • Teachers undergo regular performance appraisals based on the TPAD teaching standards, which define the minimum competencies expected of educators. These standards include:
      • Professional knowledge and practice
      • Creating a comprehensive learning environment
      • Teacher professional development (TPD)
      • Teacher conduct and professionalism
      • Participation in a professional learning community (PLC)
  2. Performance Contracting:
    • Heads of institutions are required to implement performance contracts to ensure that educational objectives are met.
    • Performance contracting is part of broader public sector reforms aimed at increasing efficiency and accountability in the management of public institutions.
    • TPAD2 allows heads of institutions to set, monitor, and evaluate performance targets, fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

The TPAD2 Appraisal Process

The TPAD2 appraisal process is collaborative, involving both the teacher (appraisee) and an appraiser (usually the head of the department, deputy head, or senior teacher). Below are the steps involved in the TPAD appraisal process:

Step 1: Developing the TPAD Calendar of Activities

Before the term begins, the head of the institution convenes a meeting with senior management to review or customize the TPAD calendar of activities based on the template provided by the TSC. The calendar includes:

  • Setting timely targets
  • Submission of professional documents
  • Conducting lesson observations
  • Identifying performance gaps
  • Supporting teacher professional development
  • Internal and external monitoring of TPAD implementation
  • TPAD rating meetings

The head of the institution must share the finalized calendar with all teaching staff. Teachers can download the TPAD form from and fill in necessary details such as their TSC number, name, designation, and period of appraisal.

Step 2: Setting Targets

Teachers should meet with their appraiser to identify key activities and timelines based on the targets set under the TPAD teaching standards. This involves preparing and submitting schemes of work for approval by the first day of the term. Teachers must maintain and update lesson plans, notes, records of work, and teaching aids, which will be checked by the supervisor.

Step 3: Implementation and Evidence Gathering

Throughout the term, teachers are required to collect evidence supporting their achievement of the set targets. This evidence is crucial during the appraisal rating meeting at the end of the term. Examples of evidence include:

  • Approved schemes of work
  • Lesson plans and notes
  • Learner progress records
  • Class attendance registers
  • Marked test papers and exercise books

Step 4: Self-Appraisal

At the end of the term, teachers use the evidence gathered to evaluate their performance against the TPAD standards. They rate themselves using the skills provided in the TPAD tool.

Step 5: Appraiser Rating

The appraiser reviews the teacher’s performance based on the evidence provided and assigns a rating.

Step 6: Appraisal Rating Meeting

An end-of-term meeting is held between the teacher and appraiser to discuss the teacher’s performance. During this meeting, the teacher presents their TPAD form and gathered evidence. They will negotiate an agreed rating, and if there are disagreements, an arbitration process may be initiated.

Step 7: Teacher Professional Development

During the appraisal process, teachers and appraisers may identify professional performance gaps, which could include inadequate ICT skills, limited teaching methods, or insufficient subject mastery. Together, they will develop a teacher support and professional development plan, outlining intervention measures to address these gaps. Relevant support programs may include team teaching, professional courses, and prescribed TPD modules.

TPAD2 – Performance Contracting for Heads of Institutions

Performance contracting is an essential component of TPAD2 for heads of public learning institutions. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the performance contracting process:

Step 1: Setting PC Targets

At the beginning of the academic year, heads of institutions must download the approved performance contract tool from the TSC website. They will develop an operational work plan indicating activities, timeframes, resources required, and actors responsible for achieving the set targets. This plan must be presented to the Board of Management for approval by 31st December.

Step 2: Signing the Performance Contract

Once the operational work plan is approved, it will be signed by the respective TSC county director on behalf of the Commission Secretary by 15th January.

Step 3: Cascading the PC Targets

Heads of institutions must involve all staff in the implementation of the performance contract targets. They will cascade the performance contract targets to respective levels within the institution.

Step 4: Implementation and Reporting

Throughout the year, heads of institutions are required to continuously assess the progress of the performance contract’s implementation. They must make timely reports and prepare an annual report detailing the progress made.

Step 5: Presentation of Evidence for Evaluation

Heads of institutions need to prepare and submit the Tambli PC target progress report and an annual report to the TSC county director, along with evidence of the achievement of set targets. The TSC county director will verify this evidence and rate performance based on the allocated weights.

Step 6: Review of Achievement and Feedback

At the end of the year, heads of institutions will meet with the TSC county director to discuss the achievement of PC targets. Feedback and guidance will be provided to enhance the effective implementation of these targets.

Step 7: Submission of Final PC Report

Finally, the TSC county director will upload the final report of the institution to the online portal.

Professional Knowledge and Practice

Professional knowledge and practice form the first broad category in the evaluation process. Teachers will be asked to assess themselves based on parameters such as subject knowledge, instructional methods used, learner assessment ability, lesson observation regularity, and more. Some elements required for evaluation under this category are:

  • Demonstrated mastery of subject content
  • Effective utilization of teaching/learning resources
  • Prepared professional documents based on the current syllabus/designs
  • Ability to identify and nurture learners’ talents

Teacher Conduct and Professionalism

The next category focuses on assessing teacher conduct and professionalism. Elements to consider in this category include:

  • Adherence to professional ethics and requirements
  • Knowledge about the legal requirements in education
  • Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines
  • Observing punctuality in lesson attendance, duty performance, and preparation of professional documents

Community Practice

Community practice is assessed with attention to collaborative practices. This involves measuring teacher engagement with peers, parents/guardians, stakeholders, and wider educational bodies with the aim of enhancing teaching and learning.

TPAD2 Evidence Required/Supporting Documents

To assure a fair and transparent appraisal process, TPAD2 requires evidence or supporting documents in different areas. The platform guides teachers on the kind and format of evidence required for varied aspects of their practice.

Types of Documents Needed

Evidence can be presented in various forms such as photographs, pdf files, doc files, etc. Here are some specific areas where supporting documents are needed:

Area of Evaluation

Supporting Document

Lesson Observation

Lesson observation notes

Teacher Preparedness

Checklist of documents maintained by the teacher

Schemes of Work

Photograph of scheme of work

Lesson Plans

Photograph of lesson plans

Ensuring Effective Appraisal through TPAD2

The TPAD2 aims to deliver a comprehensive and fair teacher evaluation. By providing clearly defined evaluation standards and categories, accompanied by the requirement of tangible supporting documents, it ensures accuracy in appraisals and mitigates any bias. Thus, the TPAD2 system assists teachers in reflective practice and aids their continual growth.

Importance of Accurate Information

For the appraisal process to be effective and reliable, accurate information is indispensable. Providing truthful and comprehensive information in TPAD2 system aids the facilitation of fair evaluation – promoting transparency and professional integrity.


TPAD2 is a comprehensive online system designed to foster professional growth among teachers through a systematic and objective appraisal approach. By simplifying account creation, enabling easy access, and laying out clear evaluation standards, TPAD2 ensures a seamless and efficient appraisal process. Its ability to facilitate self-appraisal intends to instigate reflective practice among educators, stimulating continual growth. The tool’s requirement for tangible evidence promotes transparency and mitigates bias in the assessment process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of TPAD2?

The primary purpose of TPAD2 is to streamline the teacher appraisal process, promote professional growth through reflective practice, and ensure the delivery of quality education. It also aims to establish an objective and transparent appraisal procedure.